I can’t believe that Elliot turned ONE this year! I have been with Elliot’s family since his birth announcement and time has flown. This handsome little dude loves to flirt with the ladies and he can wrap you right around his little finger with just one smile.

One of my most favorite shots! This is Elliot holding his newborn photo that I took just days after he was born.
I mean seriously. Just look at that face! While going through his photos, one of my assistants happened to be here and the whole time we were going “Ohhhhhhhh! AHHH!!!!!!” while my assistant kept exclaiming over and over again “He is just so beautiful! I can’t get over it!” This kid has some serious charm.
The first part of Elliot’s photoshoot went smoothly enough or as smoothly as it could go for a 1 year old cake smash. Here are some of my favorite pictures from before we brought out the cake!

Can you tell Elliot loves to clap?
Now, something you should know is that Elliot is one of the most luckiest little boys in the world because his Mama is a BAKER. She makes the most delicious and heavenly baked goods and I’ve been lucky enough to taste a few of her creations. In fact, she sent me on my way with cupcakes after this photoshoot. (You should look her up! blahnikbaker.com)
Zainab made the most perfect cake for Elliot’s cake smash.
But then something happened. We soon discovered that Elliot does NOT like cake nor does he like getting his hands dirty.
So what does one do when a 1 year old doesn’t like cake at his own cake smash? You turn it into a Mom and Dad cake smash!! This couldn’t have gone down more perfectly.
This last picture is my absolute favorite of Zainab. I seriously love this girl! Make sure you go check her out!