Everyone, meet Theresa! What an absolutely AMAZING woman! Firstly, I’m always down to support other small businesses. We’re nothing without the beautiful souls who stave away from corporate status and make the world a little bit (or a lot of bit) more interesting. Secondly, I’m especially down to support small businesses run by incredible, powerful women like Theresa. Watching this woman grow wings fills me with joy. So! I’m taking today to blow her up a little bit because she deserves it and I have complete faith that she’s changing the world for the better. Considering the state of our world right now, we need all the good vibes we can get. Theresa is an attorney focusing on small business law. This includes employment law, business law, litigation, business contracts, non-competition agreements, employee handbooks, employment policy, personnel policy, human resources law, HR law, employee relations, workplace law. She also is experienced in family law, divorce and custody law. (I told you she was amazing.)
When Theresa and I sat down to discuss what her mission was she explained to me that she didn’t want to do things in a typical fashion. She wanted to consult on a more comfortable level that helped make her clients feel at ease. Instead of charging hourly she works up packages that fit her clients and ensures she’s available to them. Theresa also explained that she loved the community she’s become a part of in the Binghamton and southern tier area and this is her way of giving back. She’s a small business owner lifting up other small businesses and helping them realize their dreams. (Did I already say she was amazing? I did. So she’s incredible too.) HOWEVER! Even though she wants to focus on the Binghamton area, her services are technically available nation wide. Consulting can happen within the comforts of your own home and considering we’re smack dab in the middle of a pandemic, this is probably the wisest choice anyway.
Theresa isn’t just a brilliant lawyer or business woman, she’s also a wonderful human. We talked a lot during the few hours we spent together taking pictures and she has the most calming affect and charming personality. Photographing people laughing is one of my most favorite parts of the job and Theresa didn’t disappoint. She has the BEST laugh.
You guys know how I feel about pets. If you don’t at this point then you clearly need to go read my other blog posts. If you have pets, I WILL give them their own time in the spot light. This is Matilda and not only is she a sweet little cupcake face but she’s great at posing for the camera.
As a small business owner, there are times when you might need legal advice. Finding an attorney can be a daunting task especially if you’re not used to lawyer verbiage. If there’s ever a time I need lawyering, I’m heading straight to Theresa and you should too!
I loved taking these photos. I told Theresa that it looked as though we were shooting a band cover. Anyone have any sweet band names that includes lawyer badassery?
Of course we had to end the photoshoot with her sweet fur babies. They were so stinking cute.
I’m so happy that I could partake in this photo session. Relaxed business portraits should be more of a thing in my opinion! Who’s next?!
You can find Theresa on Facebook or LinkedIn (The Law Office of Theresa M Levine) or you can check her out here!