Another day, another blog. I’ve been a blogging maniac as of late and I LOVE it. Today especially because, for those of you who don’t know or celebrate this special day, IT’S THE DAY KIDS GO BACK TO SCHOOL.
I’m sitting here writing this in peace. Well, mostly. There is currently a cat sitting on my desk purring up a storm and rolling over my keyboard from time to time. But he’s cake compared to the constant noise echoing through out the rooms of the house. I’ve found myself pausing numerous times through out my office time this morning coming up for air like someone who intended to take a nap for 10 minutes and woke up the next morning. It’s discombobulating. My house is QUIET. Which means my office is QUIET. I’m not worried about whether or not the kids ate their lunch or brushed their teeth or are spending too much time on their devices. I’m only playing the role of Jen the photographer right now. Not Jen the photographer AND mom. THERE IS NO AND. It’s just me today.
I love my kids but I am grateful for this. If you’re a mom reading this, I’m sure you get it.
Kyi. What a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful soul.
Kyi recently moved home to Ithaca from NYC and started up her own interior design business. She needed some lifestyle like business photos which is where I came into the picture. We had to reschedule a few times because she had a vision of golden hour photos and you can only get that with the sun. It’s been the rainiest season of my whole career and I hate having to reschedule shoots but it’s always with my clients best interest at heart. And CLEARLY this was worth the wait because I’m borderline obsessed with Ky’s photos.
In fact, I love them so much that now I’m considering marketing for more shoots like this. Where are all my female entrepreneurs out there who need lifestyle photos for their business?
Also, these shots can double as social media profile pictures. HELLO. YES.
And dare I frigging say it but dating profile pictures. Half of my couples met through a dating app you guys. I know these are meant to be lifestyle business portraits but there’s something dreamy and romantic about that golden hour sunlight. The fact that Kyi is downright STUNNING also helps.
Kyi and I met at a wedding a few years back. In fact! It was Zhaleh + Bill’s wedding whose blog I just posted yesterday. We got to chatting over dinner and ever since then have randomly messaged each other over the years but have never actually seen each other since the wedding. I was so happy to catch up with her in person and we spent the entirety of her shoot and beyond delving into good conversation. I love that my photography not only gives me the gift of creating but it also introduces me to genuine friendships and incredible people in the world. I am super lucky and grateful.
We took our time wandering around different parts of the garden. The lighting was so perfect. Good call on the golden light hour Kyi!
I know Kyi thought I was super goofy for asking her to spin around a few times but the way her hair caught the sunset was SO gorgeous!
Our last stop of the day was Kyi’s home where her dog George resides. George is the BEST. His name is also the best. It fits him perfectly.
We finished our day with a walk around the neighborhood and got some great puppy pictures.
Look at him snuggling!
I had so much fun with this shoot in Ithaca.
If you’re looking for an interior designer I highly recommend working with Kyi. You can check out her website here.