Welcome to Jenelle + Steve’s wedding day! I’m so excited to share this wedding because it’s one of the most unique weddings I’ve attended in my 11 years of professionally shooting. Jenelle & Steve were also an awesome couple to work with and their bridal party was so much fun! Jenelle + Steve’s wedding day began in Owego, NY at an airbnb. This house was like a life sized barbie dream house. Not only was the outside GORGEOUS, but the inside was gorgeous as well.
Have you ever seen a cuter little vest and bowtie?
Even though I will always recommend making sure you have a professional wedding photographer on hand for your wedding, THIS is also a great idea. Polaroid snippets of your day makes for a great keepsake.
Bridesmaid tribe! I don’t think I’ve ever met a group of women more connected than this bunch.
I thought this was really neat. Three of Jenelle’s bridesmaids are her sisters and they shared themed tattoos.
Such a gorgeous bride! I love this dress on Jenelle. This dress was purchased from Ever After Binghamton Bridal located in Endicott, NY.
Steve and his groomsmen readied themselves in another portion of the house. I thought these gifts were a cute idea.
Unfortunately Steve hurt himself shortly before his wedding date which meant his arm was rendered a bit useless. Thankfully he had lots of help from his groomsmen to help him get ready.
Outside of this gorgeous house is a pretty pond set back aways. It was a hot sticky day but we had some rain sprinkles to help keep us cool. We did a first look and most of our pictures out here. I love that woodsy wedding look.
Ugh. Jenelle is like a woodsy goddess bride. I love the gold leaf head piece she incorporated into her wedding day hair. Also BANGS! Any chick who can pull off bangs like Jenelle can I am soooo envious of. I go back and forth with bangs on myself and maybe 5% of the time I have a good “bangs” day. I’m currently in that awkward phase of growing them out again because I’ve given up so I’m extra envious at the moment. Some women were just made for bangs. But I digress! How frigging gorgeous is Jenelle?!
You guys know I like to make my brides spin. Especially with a dress like this. This dress was made for flowy wedding day spins.
Steve had to wear his sling for most of the day but Jenelle and Steve wanted some pictures of him without the giant blue obstruction in their photos. I say this in good humor of course. I don’t think it’s THAT bad. It could have been neon colored, you know?
These two are so absolutely sweet together. I really loved photographing the both of them.
These shots were HILARIOUS to take. While the bride and her bridesmaids are casually walking towards me while I snap photos, a snake appears in the grass completely wigging them out. Jenelle is super brave though and picked up the little snake friend to move him safely away from our wedding day shenanigans.
Look at this cute little family though. So sweet!
They MADE this altar you guys. Made. It. Themselves. It’s literally a master piece and SO perfect. We took a few pictures before the ceremony started.
Jenelle and Steve were married on private property in Vestal, NY and they did something I have never seen before. They married THEMSELVES. I actually had no idea this was happening but I thought it was the COOLEST idea. They had each of their parents come up and partake in the ceremony. This will forever be one of my most favorite ceremonies because of the intimate and unique way in which they went about it. (Jenelle + Steve were actually legally married before this date. Just an FYI for those out there questioning the legality of Jenelle and Steve’s marriage. It’s fine you guys!)
First kiss as husband and wife!
A lot of the details of this wedding were made by either Jenelle and Steve or their friends and family. I took SO many detail shots because it’s clear so much time and love was put into this wedding. For those of you looking for inspiration behind a DIY wedding, this is gold.
In case you didn’t know, this is how you play cornhole.
CHECK OUT THESE DONUTS! For those of you who don’t know, I have a massive sweet tooth and donuts are my jam. There were flavors like maple bacon, banana walnut and peanut butter fudge. These donuts were made by Just Donuts. (I’ll post their website at the end of this blog!)
Jenelle’s Mom said she put this swing up specifically for the wedding. The kids were on this thing ALL night. Awesome idea Mom!
First dance as husband and wife!
I thought this was such a cute picture. I went over afterwards and snagged another picture of them all together. One of the little boys was super jazzed because he was being treated to SODA and he NEVER gets to drink soda EVEN THOUGH his Dad drinks it ALL THE TIME! Kid stories are the best.
Another unique thing that Jenelle and Steve did was have each member of their bridal party make a short speech. I don’t think I have ever seen a tighter knit group of friends. The stories told were beautiful and it’s clear that every single one of these people love each other dearly. It was really nice capturing that.
I’m so happy that I could be a part of Jenelle + Steve’s wedding day. It was such a special day filled with so much love and it was an honor capturing that.
As always, a special thanks to my partner in crime and all things wedding, Brittni. I’m so lucky to have such a fantastic assistant. Also, a huge thanks to these vendors who helped make Jenelle + Steve’s day so special.
Dress: Ever After Binghamton Bridal – everafterbinghamtonbridal.com
Catering- Mike from Rent-a-Chef (https://rent-a-chefcatering.com/)
Cake- Hudson Cake Studio (https://thehudsoncakestudio.com/about/)
Donuts- Just Donuts (https://www.justdonutsnobagels.com/)